#!/bin/bash # # Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial 1.05r3, Summer-2002 # # Written by Vivek G. Gite # # Latest version can be found at http://www.nixcraft.com/ # # Q3 # Algo: # 1) START: set value of i to 5 (since we want to start from 5, if you # want to start from other value put that value) # 2) Start While Loop # 3) Chechk, Is value of i is zero, If yes goto step 5 else # continue with next step # 4) print i, decement i by 1 (i.e. i=i-1 to goto zero) and # goto step 3 # 5) END # i=5 while test $i != 0 do echo "$i " i=`expr $i - 1` done # # ./ch.sh: vivek-tech.com to nixcraft.com referance converted using this tool # See the tool at http://www.nixcraft.com/uniqlinuxfeatures/tools/ #