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Allows the creation of streams to handle archive formats such as zip and tar.

For example, given a filename you can search for a factory that will handle it and create a stream to read it:

    factory = wxArchiveClassFactory::Find(filename, wxSTREAM_FILEEXT);
    if (factory)
        stream = factory->NewStream(new wxFFileInputStream(filename));

Find() can also search for a factory by MIME type or wxFileSystem protocol. The available factories can be enumerated using GetFirst() and GetNext().

Derived from


Include files


Data structures

enum wxStreamProtocolType
    wxSTREAM_PROTOCOL,  // wxFileSystem protocol (should be only one)
    wxSTREAM_MIMETYPE,  // MIME types the stream handles
    wxSTREAM_ENCODING,  // Not used for archives
    wxSTREAM_FILEEXT    // File extensions the stream handles

See also

Archive formats such as zip
Generic archive programming




wxMBConv& GetConv() const

void SetConv(wxMBConv& conv)

The wxMBConv object that the created streams will use when translating meta-data. The initial default, set by the constructor, is wxConvLocal.


bool CanHandle(const wxChar* protocol, wxStreamProtocolType type = wxSTREAM_PROTOCOL) const

Returns true if this factory can handle the given protocol, MIME type or file extension.

When using wxSTREAM_FILEEXT for the second parameter, the first parameter can be a complete filename rather than just an extension.


static const wxArchiveClassFactory* Find(const wxChar* protocol, wxStreamProtocolType type = wxSTREAM_PROTOCOL)

A static member that finds a factory that can handle a given protocol, MIME type or file extension. Returns a pointer to the class factory if found, or NULL otherwise. It does not give away ownership of the factory.

When using wxSTREAM_FILEEXT for the second parameter, the first parameter can be a complete filename rather than just an extension.


static const wxArchiveClassFactory* GetFirst()

const wxArchiveClassFactory* GetNext() const

GetFirst and GetNext can be used to enumerate the available factories.

For example, to list them:

    wxString list;
    const wxArchiveClassFactory *factory = wxArchiveClassFactory::GetFirst();

    while (factory) {
        list << factory->GetProtocol() << _T("\n");
        factory = factory->GetNext();

GetFirst()/GetNext() return a pointer to a factory or NULL if no more are available. They do not give away ownership of the factory.


wxString GetInternalName(const wxString& name, wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE) const

Calls the static GetInternalName() function for the archive entry type, for example wxZipEntry::GetInternalName().


wxString GetProtocol() const

Returns the wxFileSystem protocol supported by this factory. Equivalent to wxString(*GetProtcols()).


const wxChar * const* GetProtocols(wxStreamProtocolType type = wxSTREAM_PROTOCOL) const

Returns the protocols, MIME types or file extensions supported by this factory, as an array of null terminated strings. It does not give away ownership of the array or strings.

For example, to list the file extensions a factory supports:

    wxString list;
    const wxChar *const *p;

    for (p = factory->GetProtocols(wxSTREAM_FILEEXT); *p; p++)
        list << *p << _T("\n");


wxArchiveEntry* NewEntry() const

Create a new wxArchiveEntry object of the appropriate type.


wxArchiveInputStream* NewStream(wxInputStream& stream) const

wxArchiveOutputStream* NewStream(wxOutputStream& stream) const

wxArchiveInputStream* NewStream(wxInputStream* stream) const

wxArchiveOutputStream* NewStream(wxOutputStream* stream) const

Create a new input or output stream to read or write an archive.

If the parent stream is passed as a pointer then the new archive stream takes ownership of it. If it is passed by reference then it does not.


void PushFront()

Adds this class factory to the list returned by GetFirst()/GetNext().

It is not necessary to do this to use the archive streams. It is usually used when implementing streams, typically the implementation will add a static instance of its factory class.

It can also be used to change the order of a factory already in the list, bringing it to the front. This isn't a thread safe operation so can't be done when other threads are running that will be using the list.

The list does not take ownership of the factory.


void Remove()

Removes this class factory from the list returned by GetFirst()/GetNext().

Removing from the list isn't a thread safe operation so can't be done when other threads are running that will be using the list.

The list does not own the factories, so removing a factory does not delete it.