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      CentOS 5.0 발표[2007년 4월 12일]
      글쓴이 : 멀티     날짜 : 07-04-13 13:48     조회 : 13907    
      태그 : 태그 없음

    We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS-5 for
    the i386 and x86_64 Architectures.

    CentOS-5 is based on the upstream release 5, and includes packages from
    all variants including Server and Client. All upstream repositories have
    been combined into one, to make it easier for end users to work with.
    And the option to further enable external repositories at install time
    is now available in the installer.

    Further Arch support for PowerPC, IA64 and Sparc are planned and will be
    released soon. These arch's will follow the existing pattern of release
    to Beta first, and then to Final.

    Verification of downloads and media

    We highly recommend that all forms of downloads be verified before use.
    Both md5sum and sha1sum for all isos and torrents released by the CentOS
    project are published at the same location as the isos and torrents
    themselves. md5sum and sha1sum verification tools are available for all
    major platforms. As an added option, but not a replacement to the
    md5sum/sha1sum process, its possible to check media during install time.

    All rpms published by the CentOS project are signed with a gpg key, and
    by default we configure yum to verify this signature on package
    download. In order to check that this is operating as normal ensure that
    each repository section includes two lines that look exactly like this :


    Note: 1) url to the gpg key will never point at an external non machine.
               2) a copy of the gpg key is also provided on the install
    media, and installed as /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5, however
    do the possibility of compromised media we recommend you still verify
    that key with the one hosted on

    Download Instructions:

    First a request from us : When possible, consider using torrents to run
    the downloads. Not only does it help the community and keeps mirrors
    from running up high bandiwdth bills, in most cases you will find its
    also the fastest means to download the distro.

    Via BitTorrent :
    Torrents are available for i386 at
    and for x86_64 at

    Via direct download:
        Due to bandwidth considerations the CentOS Project does not publish
    ISOS directly from our network machines. However direct downloads are
    available from external mirrors over http, ftp and rsync, and a geoip
    based is available at to
    give you the best possible match ( and only lists mirrors that are
    updated already, so you dont need to go looking for a mirror with all
    the isos you want ! )

        Some mirrors also publish DVD images that can be downloaded
    directly. Refer to the mirrors list page at for more details Mirrors that offer DVD's
    are clearly marked on the page.

    i386 ISOS and their sha1sum's are :

    820346490eb58c10ea952e62e4d61596a267edea  CentOS-5.0-i386-bin-1of6.iso
    8e91bf3cd0bb3ef86598a5014741d8992cf4cad5  CentOS-5.0-i386-bin-2of6.iso
    71358b3260f83a37ddc084e730e34f8f9b3a9bfd  CentOS-5.0-i386-bin-3of6.iso
    d350a93a7d32e75a65648b8a8c759039fe582f5e  CentOS-5.0-i386-bin-4of6.iso
    5f2dab38eb4ec415e789f754a5b3f89bd28fce1d  CentOS-5.0-i386-bin-5of6.iso
    30e5dee028670fd14a5d91c8a9a7b00a5c9c0f14  CentOS-5.0-i386-bin-6of6.iso
    d4aa041570417eeecee9021e6f8bcc845e65145a  CentOS-5.0-i386-bin-DVD.iso

    x86_64 ISOS and their sha1sum's are :

    1c24d7e92d6d50771f8b7b0a6695172d76352944  CentOS-5.0-x86_64-bin-1of7.iso
    3c3b9dc8fbd0faec804f97602cbcc7d110babd83  CentOS-5.0-x86_64-bin-2of7.iso
    527bb1c903427eb59f8a1394b44650f614813088  CentOS-5.0-x86_64-bin-3of7.iso
    6b84394592e1bc6e1c40ed1e3c57f77a593f84a3  CentOS-5.0-x86_64-bin-4of7.iso
    3d602beaba3c09418bd29d8e814fb55f03531def  CentOS-5.0-x86_64-bin-5of7.iso
    4ad9da763501845df4b29775bff4d35b82e44ace  CentOS-5.0-x86_64-bin-6of7.iso
    aef44f965c4560317098f40f22227ada54c49751  CentOS-5.0-x86_64-bin-7of7.iso
    b5fb7dd9ea8d9369b5d0d14e5f51f96b1dc138bb  CentOS-5.0-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso

    CentOS-5 Release Notes:

    The distro release notes are available in the root directory of the
    install media, as well as online at . These include
    important changelog info as well as notes about the installer and
    outcomes from test situations which the centos-qa team worked through.
    Its considered essential reading.

    Upstream release notes are available in the NOTES/ directory of the
    install media, as well as online at These include release
    specific technologies, new features in the distro and other misc
    infomation that can help you better utilise the distro. Always something
    worth reading.

    Note: some of the non-english language release notes might not come up
    clearly in the installer, but are fixed in the online version.

    Upgrade Options and process recommendations :

    The best and most recommended way to get your existing CentOS-3/CentOS-4
    machine running CentOS-5 is to update the machine via the installer.
    This involves booting the machine with the install media, and running a
    normal installation path. You will be given an option to upgrade the
    machine if an older CentOS install is found on the installable
    harddrive. You will still need to check for rpm orphans once the machine
    has booted into CentOS-5. Packages from non-CentOS repositories might
    need special attention.

    There is a wiki page starting now at
    to document the process's and experiences of people - so as to create a
    single combined knowledge base about updating to CentOS-5 from
    CentOS-3/4 as well as from other Distributions. So do join in and

    Online Upgrade from CentOS-5/Beta :

    We recommend a fresh install, however it should be possible to in-place
    update a machine from CentOS-5/Beta to CentOS-5.0/Final using the
    folloing steps:

    step-1) init 3
    step-2) yum clean all;
    step-3) yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=base --enablerepo=updates
    update yum* rpm*
    step-4) yum clean all;
    step-5) yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=base --enablerepo=updates upgrade

    For the final step, you should do an 'upgrade' rather than an 'update'.
    The yum man page has details on the differences between upgrade and
    update options. Also, its important to init 3 before doing the yum
    update in order to work around the dbus restart issues that have been
    widely reported. And doing the main update using the newer yum can
    result in upto 4 times faster update speeds, so its recommended that you
    first update yum and rpm.

    Online Upgrade from CentOS-4/Final

    The best way to move from CentOS-4 to CentOS-5 is via an installer
    upgrade. However if you must do it online, here are some tips to help:
    - Remove as many packages as you can, strip it right back to the
    original OS if possible
    - Backup everything
    - Disable all repositories, except the centos-5 OS and Updates repos
    - init 3
    - shutdown as many services as possible
    - download and install the centos-release-5.x rpm, which will update
    your yum configs
    - run a yum upgade ( not update )

    Online Upgrade from CentOS-3/Final

    Online upgrades from CentOS-3 are not recommended. The CentOS Wiki has
    some details and examples from tests done by members of the centos-qa
    team and if you really *must* upgrade a machine running CentOS-3 to
    CentOS-5, I recommend you start with those notes. Feel free to
    contribute your experiences there.

    About release version ( Major and Minor release tracking ability )

    There has been a fair bit of talk about upstream adopting a new policy
    on Updates and the ReleaseCycles. I'd like to clarify what that means
    for CentOS users and how we will approach this issue. The first thing is
    of-course, that no one really knows exactly what is going to happen on
    this front upstream. ( perhaps a better way to say the same thing would
    be that - noone upstream will tell us what they intend to do! )  As far
    as we can work out, there are going to be some options created for users
    as to what upgade path they intend to follow, how that is going to work
    and what the distro specific implementaion of this policy is going to be
    : open to discussion, since there is no clarity from upstream.

    So we need to keep the options open. At this time time, on CentOS-5 we
    have created infrastructure and package management options that will
    allow users to either stick with the recommended default option of
    staying with the latest released security and bugfix rpms or to be able
    to branch out into minor release tree's (eg. allowing a user to keep
    his/her machine at CentOS-5.0.x, and not upgrading to CentOS-5.1 when it
    becomes available ).

    How to get help with CentOS

    The best place to start when looking for help with CentOS is at the wiki
    ( ) which lists various options and
    communities who might be able to help. If you think there is a bug in
    the system, do report it at - but keep in mind
    that the bugs system is *not* a support mechanism.

    Friendly URL's :

    And a big thanks to everyone who contributed to the distro, including
    the translation teams, the qa team, the CentOS Developers and all the
    Users out there.

    The translation team :
    Ralph Angenendt, Andreas Rogge, Fabian Arrotin, Pierre Reinbold, Matteo
    Centonza, Roger Peña Escobio, Ernesto Perez, Hardy Beltran,  Leonardo
    Pinheiro, Rodrigo Barbosa,  David Hrbác(, Akemi Yagi, Anatoly Davidov,
    Daniel De Kok, Dennis van Onselen, Manuel Wolfshant, Kazuhiko Oho,
    Hajime Taira, Jordi Espasa Clofent, Charles A. Landemaine, Lennert
    Buytenhek, Dominick Grift, Mark Ruys, Roeland Struijk

    The QA Team:
    Stephen John Smoogen, Phil Schaffner, Michael Best, John Jullian,
    Patrick Moelands, Chris Halstead, Daniiel De Kok, Jason Meers, Charlie
    Brady, Connie Sieh, Seth Vidal, Matthew Miller, Fabian Arrotin

    And all the CentOS Developers who worked with us on this release:
    John Newbegin, Jim Perrin, Lance Davis, Ralph Angenendt, Donavan Nelson,
    Tru Huynh

    A special wave to Gideon de Kok, who worked his machines and himself
    well into many nights getting the artwork done, redone, redone,
    retouched up, change, redone, changed some more, redone and put up with
    us as we continued to make changes till almost the last minute possible!

    Plus the millions of users out there, you all know who you are!


    Johnny Hughes Jr and Karanbir Singh
    The CentOS Project,


    [이 게시물은 멀티님에 의해 2008-08-14 11:24:53 토크박스 - 자유게시판/가입인사에서 이동 됨]

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    김태용 작성일 : 01-17 / 조회 : 17911
    Linux-Windows NFS(Network File System) 사용기 (1)

    리눅스컴에서 돌아가고 있는 NFS 서비스를 윈도우즈에서 사용해보려고 한다.삼바를 사용해도 되지만, 왠지 NFS를 사용해 보고픈.. 그런거 있잖아요. ^^먼저 리눅스에서 nfs 서버를 설치하고[root@centos ~]# rpm -qa|grep nfsn…
    김태용 작성일 : 07-31 / 조회 : 11015
    안드로이드폰 이자르로 즐기는 트위터와 페이스북 (1)

    김태용 작성일 : 07-20 / 조회 : 9327
    버킹엄 궁전 교대식

    김태용 작성일 : 07-20 / 조회 : 9189
    말레이시아 쿠알라룸푸르, 런던 ~

    쿠알라룸푸르 가게의 신라면 김치찌게 삼양라면 ㅋㅋ런던 공항 도착 - 빨간색의 버스..공항에서의 콜라 자판기 - 콜라 가격..런던 지하철 교통카드 오이스터(oyster)런던 외곽 시민 거주지 풍경지하철 Northern line
    김태용 작성일 : 06-24 / 조회 : 8188

    No Image
    영국 유람 간다. (6월 26일 ~ 7월 8일) 2주 일정 (1)

    정말 오랜만에 해외로 나가본다.1997년 LG전자 근무시 해외연수로인도네시아에 한번 다녀온 이후로 두번째 해외 유람이다.다니는 곳곳 사진도 찍고 글도 적어볼 예정이다.ㅋㅋ기대하시라 ~
    김태용 작성일 : 05-02 / 조회 : 9864
    오늘 대구 월드컵 경기장/망우공원에서 찍은 사진. ㅋㅋ (1)

    ㅋㅋ[대구 월드컵 경기장][대구 망우공원]
    김태용 작성일 : 04-28 / 조회 : 9328
    무선 마우스를 사용하다.

    드디어 무선 마우스를 사용하게 되었다.기존 유선 마우스의 선이 짧아 불편해서 무선 마우스를 사용하기로 함.감도도 어느정도 괜찮은듯 하고 성능 대비 가격은 이정도면 충분하겠다.
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    인생에서, 100% 순이익을 보장하는건 없다. 1%의 지식을 나눔으로써, 가끔씩 손해볼 필요도 있다.
    그대가 가진 1%의 지식만이라도 공공을 위해 포스팅하라. 손해본다는 생각이 앞선다면 그대의 인생은 힘들어질것이다.
    자신이 가진 지식의 1%도 투자하지 않고, 오로지 자신의 이익만 탐하는자와는 동지가 되지마라.
    만나서 대화하면 모두 좋은 사람들이지만, 유독 인터넷에서만 자신을 밝히지 않고, 좀비로 서식하는 사람들이 많다.
    부지불식간[不知不識間], 좀비(하류) 인생이 될지도 모르니, 항상 자신을 경계하도록 하라.
    [도서 안내]
    1. CentOS Linux
    2. gcc로 공부하는 C++
    베스트셀러 입성^^

    3. 쉘 스크립트 입문
    4. JSP 입문

    아래 배너들은 LUG 세미나 모임에 도움을 주신(실) 멋진 기업들입니다. ^^